7. The Nature of Self-Realization

En español: 07-naturaleza-de-la-autorrealizacion.htm

Janaka said –

1. In me, the boundless ocean, the ark of the universe moves hither and thither impelled by the wind of its own inherent nature. I am not impatient.

2. In me, the limitless ocean, let the wave of the world rise or vanish of itself. I neither increase nor decrease thereby.

3. In me, the boundless ocean, is the imagination of the universe. I am quite tranquil and formless. In this alone do I abide.

4. The Self is not in the object, nor is the object in the Self which is infinite and stainless. Thus It is free from attachment and desire, and tranquil. In this alone do I abide.

5. Oh, I am really Consciousness itself. The world is like a juggler's show. So how and where can there be any thought of rejection and acceptance in me?


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