9. Detachment

En español: 09-impasibilidad.htm

Ashtavakra said –

1. Duties done and not done, as well as the pairs of opposites – when do they cease and for whom? Knowing thus, be desireless and intent on renunciation through complete indifference to the world.

2. Rare indeed, my child, is that blessed person whose desire for life, enjoyment, and learning have been extinguished by observing the ways of men.

3. The wise man becomes calm by realizing that all verily is vitiated by the threefold misery and is transient, unsubstantial, and contemptible, and should be rejected.

4. What is that time or that age in which the pairs of opposites do not exist for men? One who, quitting those, is content with what comes of itself attains perfection.

5. What man is there, who having observed the diversity of opinions among the great seers, saints and yogins, and become completely indifferent to learning, does not attain quietude?

6. He who gains knowledge of the true nature of Pure Consciousness by complete indifference to the world, by equanimity, and by reasoning, and saves himself from the round of birth and rebirth, is he not really the spiritual guide?

7. Look upon the modifications of the elements as nothing in reality but the primary elements themselves and you will at once be free from bondage and abide in your true self.

8. Desires alone are the world. Do you, therefore, renounce them all. The renunciation of the desire is the renunciation of the world. Now you may live anywhere.


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